
Friday, July 29, 2011


1. PLN stands for personal Learning Network. This is a system that is set up by a user to utilize web 2.0 more efficiently. The internet is filled with information and having a PLN controls that information and focalizes it for a user to use more proficiently. My PLN consist of email, Facebook, Google search engine, and various apps (applications). My PLN will aid me to be a better teacher by allowing me to save time with communication, assignments and organization. I am planning on using my Google account to sync my calendars with all my computer devises. Also using Google to have RSS feeds and Google documents that allow others to read. Having facebook I can make a facebook page for my class and we will have daily reflection postings. Also they will be able to turn their homework assignments into me by facebook messaging. Also will be able to communicate with me easier than waiting after school to ask me a question. I will have the syllabus posted their where the students will be able to access that information anytime they want, and my class will not have to waste funds on paper. Having a search engine will allow me to search for specific topics that I am trying to get more information on. I am hoping too that the school that I work at has something like moodle there. Having a secured web service like moodle is a huge tool to have in today’s education. Have homework, schedule, test, readings, video assignments, and the availability to grade some of these things will save a teacher hours. And has a teacher and a coach time is very important. I plan to use my PLN to help engage the students in the topic that we are covering, and to aid me as an educator. Saving me time and organizing my work will allow me to be a better teacher due to more time preparing and focusing on teaching rather than all the paper work.

2. I really don’t use much RSS feeds or blogs. The only thing that I real have is an npr app. It allows me to pick the stories that I want to listen to. I also gather my news from yahoo, and Goggle. I gather generic news, but that is about it. At this time in my life I have to admit that I am more concerned with sports than cnbc news stuff.

3. Twitter I do not use much. I really haven’t tapped into the real use of it yet. I follow Stephen Colbert, and Jon Stewart as of now, also a few other friends. I follow Stephen Colbert because he is humorous and usual has some sort of political humor in his tweets.

4. Diigo is new to me. The first time that I had heard of diigo was in class. As of now I am subscribe to several PE and health sites. I read these to educate myself on the newest and best way to run a successful PE class. I am not a Physical Educator yet I am trying to prepare myself to become the best one that I can be. Diigo allows me to get up to date information on topics that I am interested in. It sorts it out for me and I just have to make the link.

5. Reflect on the blog post, video, or article you explored.
I joined EducationPLN, and watched a great video on Google+ ( It was an intro YouTube video of what the new Google+ social media site has to offer. It explains about new circles that you can place people in, and how everything you use is Google anyways. He said it is not whether you will switch from Facebook to Google+, but when you will switch.

6. It has been great to learn about so many uses of web 2.0. My PLN has grown by adding Diigo, Twitter, and RSS feeds. I don’t really see myself keeping up with twitter; however it was good to learn about all the things it has to offer to an educator. Going over all this has really opened up my mind, and has made me think of many cool ways to add my PLN to my teaching and to my classroom, within and outside of my classroom walls. I was really glad to learn about Google+ social networking site. I am definitely going to be using that. Overall this was a great section of personal learning networks, and am glad that I have received this information, and also see many ways that this will save me time, energy, and organization. Thank You

Monday, July 18, 2011

Harness the Power of Technology

Harness the Power of Technology
The author wrote this article to persuade present and future educators to tap into the resources of technology more. He wants educators to use technology to its full potential when teaching students. “Technology can pace instruction based on each student’s needs, so that a student having trouble with a mathematical concept can get remediation at the same time that an advanced student moves on to higher concepts.” (Duncan) Technology allows a teacher to personalize assignments to their students by enhancing that student’s ability to learn in whatever way he or she learns best. there are pictures, articles, podcast, videos, and prac ap assignments. This allows the student to pick visual, hearing, doing, reading, whatever way they feel best to learn.
The author writes, “By using the NETS for students, administrators, and teachers, you become the leaders in your schools and districts, working with colleagues to help them master new methods of teaching with technologies that they may be afraid of using.” (Duncan) Using all the net-s in your lessons will improve the student’s availability to be more creative with technology as they go through school and eventually go out in today’s workforce. Quote, “The ability to work, innovate, and be productive using technology is essential for professionals in almost every sector.” (Duncan)
There was not much in the article about exactly what do, so that makes it difficult to say exactly how I would apply this information to my future classroom. One thing he did say was that teachers in a school or even district can be trend setters, ground breakers. He ask that the teachers that are reading this article to become those ground breakers for technology in their school. I can see myself doing that in my p.e. classroom since p.e. is probably the classroom that is under using technology the most.
This article was written for the purpose of motivating and encouraging teachers to utilize technologies full potential in the classroom. That technology is proven to enhance and better student learning. Find new ways that technology can better the teacher and the students. Be ground breakers for their schools in the field of utilizing technology in their classrooms. This is an article to help push educators to adapt to the new wave of technology for the students sakes. In today’s 21st century workforce, employees are going to have to have these technology innovating skills to be competitive.
Duncan, A. (n.d.). Harness the power of technology . In Retrieved July, 2011

Friday, July 15, 2011

Join the Flock

Join the Flock
“The first thing to know is that developing a PLN on Twitter takes a commitment, not necessarily a huge one, but it does take some time. It is a bit like starting a new friendship: You cultivate a relationship by chatting over coffee in the faculty room or sharing an anecdote in the hall. It is the kind of commitment that causes you to pause rather than walk on, and that's what it will take to develop and maintain a PLN using Twitter.” (Ferguson) In this article “Join the Flock” the author is really trying to convey the helpfulness of twitter to a educator, employee, and friend. The author explains to the reader how to set up a twitter account, how to manage your friends, followers and discussion boards to the reader. The author explains that you do not have to participate in conversation with anyone to receive information. If you choose you can sit back and read without actually posting something. It is advised to start small and work your way up to post. This will allow you to get comfortable with twitter.
I see some good in twitter with having the availability to link up with other colleges and professionals. However I see Facebook, Diigo, or Google being a better resource to use with students than Twitter. Twitter has a very small character max and is limited in videos and pictures. Not saying that it is wrong if a teacher decides to use Twitter, I am just saying my own preference would be to use something that is more versatile and creative with my students than what Twitter can offer.
When I have a question, I turn to my PLN and wait to hear back. It may seem like 140 characters does not allow enough room to communicate, but those few characters connect me to blogs and websites. (Ferguson) In this article the author tries to persuade the readers to widen their PLN by adding Twitter to their repertoire. She explains that Twitter is a great source to meet other individuals around the world that have similar interest as yourself. She states that it is just more than a business connection, Quote, “Over time, I have built relationships with people I know only by their photos or avatars, but they are real people to me nonetheless. I look for them in my stream of tweets and recognize them as they scroll by. They are my PLN, and I am part of theirs.” (Ferguson) In the final statement of the article the author states her final plead to the readers to begin their own Twitter account. “So join the flow of ideas and learning and watch it change how you see yourself as a teacher and your students as learners.” (Ferguson)
Ferguson, H. (2010, Jun/Jul). Join the flock! Learning & Leading with Technology, 37(8), 12-15.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Grow your own personal learning network

This article was written to pursued and educate others on the benefits of increasing ones own PLN (personal learning network). Quote, "PLNs open up sources of information that were not even available a few years ago, and continually evolving technologies are making it easier to capture and tame the resulting information overload." (Warlick) He wanted to educate individuals on ways of making the internets vast information databases more manageable. Ways to use google and other search engines more effective. Use other web2.0 services to gather information. He gave an example of writing the article in a coffee shop, and using twitter to see if he could receive any additional information about sites that aid in gathering information on a specific subject, which he received very promptly.

I could see myself use my own PLN in teaching my physical education class, by setting up a RSS feed for my students would provide them resources and podcasts that pertain to the subject matter that we are going over in that particular unit. I also could set up a diigo or delicious account for my class. Something like a discussion board for them to use to reflex on that day's lesson, take quizzes, and do assignments that are web based. Using PLNs like twitter and Facebook could open up ways for students to post daily reflections on. This way every one had to make one post and one comment on another's post. This would increase learning and satisfy several nets-s. With the advancements in mobile devices they could have this done before they even get home. Facebook assignments would allow them to add pictures and videos to there postings. I could make one Facebook account for the entire class to use where they could do their posting ons and send me messages, and also turn in individual assignments to me. We could have a research assignment on a specific sport or activity and the students would have to write a paper and add photos and videos of them performing the sport individually or in groups. This assignment goes beyond the traditional pen and paper assignment, and makes it enjoyable and engaging for the students.
